Jesenná láska (Slovak)
Láska je strašne bohatá, láska, tá všetko sľúbi, no ten čo ľúbil, sklamal sa a ten, čo sklamal, ľúbi. Prach dlhých smutných letných dní na staré lístie padá, poznala príliš neskoro ako ho mala rada.
Tak každoročne v jeseni svetlá sa tratia z duše a človek, koník túlavý od srdca k srdcu kluše. Pre každé chce zomierať, žiť nechce pre nijaké chcel by mať jedno pre seba, je mu jedno aké. Možno, že iba obrázok, možno tôňu iba.
No pred cieľom sa zastaví. Komu zas srdce chýba? Zo všetkých mojich obrázkov mámivý ošiaľ stúpa. Bola to láska? Sklamanie? Aj láska bola hlúpa, že chcela všetko naraz mať a všetko naraz stráca.
Koľko ráz v noci májovej hľadeli do mesiaca. No máj im málo šťastia dal a krátke bolo leto, len jeseň, tá vie o všetkom a jeseň nepovie to. Šla zima dolu údolím a niesla odkaz máju. Túžieval, čakal, dočkal sa. Odišla. Nepozná ju.
Láska je strašne bohatá, lásáska, tá všetko sľúbi, no ten čo ľúbil, sklamal sa a ten, čo sklamal, ľúbi. Prach dlhých smutných letných dní na staré lístie padá, poznala príliš neskoro ako ho mala rada. Uploaded by | Répás Norbert |
Publisher | © 2000–2017 Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia, a.s |
Source of the quotation | |
Autumn Love (English)
Oh, love is frightfully rich she would promise all in one breath, though let down is, who wanted a bit and who let down, now loves. The dust of long sad summer days lies upon the sodden earth, too late she realised how much she had loved him, she still does.
Every autumn the light is fading sparing for us no thoughts, and a man, a roaming horse, from heart to heart trots, he’s prepared to die for everyone, though to live for none, he’d like to own one just for himself, doesn’t matter which one. Just a heart. A mere picture, or perhaps only a mere shade.
Though at the finish line he stops: Who misses the heart again? From all my cherished pictures a stupefying frenzy flits; was it a real thing? A let-down? Even love is out of wits, she wanted to have all at once but all at once she loses.
So much they were gazing at May moon – one of lovers’ muses, but May gave them a very little time and summer was short. Only autumn, she knows everything but she will say that not. Winter went down the dale with the message, knocked on the May’s door: he fancied her, waited, loved her, she’s gone, he knows her no more.
Oh, love is frightfully rich she will promise all by one breath, though let down is, who wanted a bit and who let down, now loves. The dust of long sad summer days lies upon the sodden earth, too late she realised how much she has loved him, she still does.
Uploaded by | Répás Norbert |
Publisher | Amazon, Kindle Edition |
Source of the quotation | Collection of Poems: Miroslav Válek |
Bookpage (from–to) | Kindle Locations 089-109 |
Publication date | 2015-03-24 |