Šachy (Slovak)
Ak sadnete si z dlhej chvíle k šachom pre šťastie lebo pre sklamanie hrať, nezabúdajte, že je problém, na kom záleží vaše šťastie či pád.
Neukazujte svojmu súperovi päty a dámu strážte, ak ju máte rád. Nepúšťajte ju samu na výlety - nevieme nikdy, čo sa môže stať.
Nakoniec sa to zvrtne na zákone, že silu umu zmôže sila zrád. V partii často vyhrávajú kone; jedine kráľ však môže dostať mat. Uploaded by | Répás Norbert |
Publisher | KALLIGRAM, Edícia: Knižnica slovenskej literatúry |
Source of the quotation | Miroslav Válek - Básnické dielo, ISBN: 80-7149-795-9 |
Bookpage (from–to) | 61-61 |
Publication date | 2015-03-24 |
Chess (English)
If you sit yourself to the chess to pass time, to try luck or taste a loss, remember that it matters who guards the line, which man triumphs or which one falls.
Seeing a rival, don’t take to your heels and guard your queen if you care for her. Don’t let her go alone for trips – one never knows what might happen there.
Eventually it always turns on laws, despite all one’s wit, a betrayal brings the fate. At a match often triumphs the horse; though only the king can get check mate.
Uploaded by | Répás Norbert |
Publisher | Amazon Kindle Edition |
Source of the quotation | Collection of Poems: Miroslav Válek, ASIN: B00V6YBLWK |
Bookpage (from–to) | Kindle Locations 145-151 |
Publication date | 2015-03-24 |