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Janík, Pavol: Kosovo

Portre of Janík, Pavol

Kosovo (Slovak)

sa modlí
po srbsky
za štyristo mŕtvych detí

V Schillerovom kamennom oku
sa leskne slza ortuti

Je to cigánsky plač
za malou rómskou vílou
na dne Jadranského mora

má neodolateľnú farbu
modravého svitu neba
z ktorého padá
ľahká a trblietavá
ako sprej májového dažďa
aby zúrodnila poranenú zem

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherCCW, Bratislava
Source of the quotationBuď vôňa tvoja, ISBN 80-96788-0-8
Bookpage (from–to)28-28
Publication date

Kosovo (English)

A burning
paper Goethe
in Serb
for four hundred dead children

In Schiller’s stone eye
gleams a tear of mercury

There’s a Gypsy weeping
for a little Romany fairy
at the bottom of the Adriatic

has an irresistible color
of the bluish dusk of the sky
from which falls
light and glitterings
like a gust of May rain
to fertilize the wounded earth

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
PublisherThe Penniless Press, United Kingdom
Source of the quotationA Dictionary of Foreign Dreams
Publication date

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