The page of Stevo, Allan, Translations from Slovak
A poem and a child (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Báseň a dieťa (Slovak)Ante Scriptum (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Ante scriptum (Slovak)
Mom´s lattice crust pie (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Mamin mrežovník (Slovak)
My first city clothes (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Môj prvý mestský oblek (Slovak)
The little great ones (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Malí velikáni (Slovak)
The Quiet Miracle of Motherhood (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Tichý zázrak materstva (Slovak)
The road to school through the fields (English) ⇐ Rúfus, Milan :: Poľná cesta do gymnázia (Slovak)
(Editor of this page: P. T.)