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Karinthy Frigyes: Szerelmi öngyilkosság

Portre of Karinthy Frigyes

Szerelmi öngyilkosság (Hungarian)


Dobokkal és zuhogó zászlókkal

Temessetek el: katona voltam.

Ifju hajam ázik a vérben -

Fekszem dacosan és kiraboltan.


Lélekkel, kit viadalba küldtél

Hadúr: - hadakoztam imetten -

De jöttek rám orvul, testtel és hussal:

Lélek voltam, verekedtem.


Hussal fojtottak, testtel gyömöszöltek

Szememre térdeltek, összetiportak -

Gyilkosom kemény, nevető száját

Borzongva láttam még lenni bibornak.


Didergő lelkem nem bírta tovább,

Torkomba szorult bele holtan -

Lukat törtem a fejemen át

Benyúltam érte és kiraboltam.



Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Suicide of love (English)


Give me a shower of flags and drums,

And a soldier's grave when I die.

My boyish hair is soaking in blood -

Defiant and looted I lie.


Warlord, I, whom you with my soul had

sent to the skirmish, watchfully fought,

but I was ambushed, body and flesh:

I was a soul, battling as one ought.


I was choked with flesh, with bodies squeezed,

They knelt on my eyes, trampled me down.

Hard, the mouth of my killer - he laughed -

I shuddered and saw the purple frown.


My shivering soul could take no more,

It died in my throat and there it lay -

I broke my head and I made a hole

Reached in, stole it and took it away.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotationL. A. K.
