extra hungariam
only nothing exists the pulsing of cosmic waves
which can be the corn on the foot of the Tower of Pisa
the uncreased forehead of the unicorn
or the musical notes of the wise hummingbird
the translucent rabbits of a glass hat
undoubtedly God throws dice
he plays freely ex machina
he's identical with himself like the chameleon
as the coral that tingles on the spine of a fish
the star-filled sky on the owl's glasses
there's a crescent on my thumbnail mare serenitatis
a small Buddha smiles on its surface
only the Garden of Eden is rooted in the soil
he who finds his homeland
meets a "no trespassing" sign
My sail is the shreds of a discredited straight jacket
and while the wind (which saw the spirits)
blows behind me
I'm the liquid fireworks
the cross-legged position racing for its life
the vagabond Spanish flu
the monkey wrench with a puma's foot
into which I'm moulding myself
homo hungaricus