Do not throw stones at this sign (English)
Do not throw stones at this sign which stands here, in a stony field a stone’s throw from the sea whose beach is a mess of pebbles since the sand was stolen for building, and the few people who dawdle there, rods in hand, catch nothing, not even a shoe – might as well bombard the waves with golfballs, or wade in and hold their breath, or bend, as they do, and grab a handful of pebbles to throw at the sign, and each time they hit they cheer and chalk up another beer, especially the man who thought up the sign, who got his paintbrush and wrote “Do Not Throw Stones At This Sign” on a piece of driftwood which he stuck in this useless field, then, laughing, danced his way to the house of beer. Uploaded by | Répás Norbert |
Publisher | Vintage Digital |
Source of the quotation | Sanctuary (Cape Poetry) [Kindle Edition] |
Publication date | 2012 |
Nehádž kamene do tejto značky (Slovak)
Nehádž kamene do tejto značky, ktorá tu stojí, na kamenitom teréne, na dohodenie kameňom od mora, ktorého breh je púhy kameň, odkedy jeho piesok na stavbu ukradli, a tých pár ľudí, ktorí sa tam motajú s chabinami v ruke, nič neulapia, ani topánku – ako keby golfovými loptičkami vlny dobývali, buď so zatajeným dychom do nich hrúžili sa, buď ohnuli sa, ako bežne, a vzali za hrsť kamienkov, aby si do tej značky zahádzali a vždy, keď utrafia, jasajú a objednajú si ďalšie pivo, zvlášť ten chlap, ktorý tú značku vymyslel, štetca chopil sa a napísal „Nehádž Kamene Do Tejto Značky” na kus naplaveného dreva, ktoré vbodnul do tohto nanič terénu, nato, rozosmiaty cestou do výčapu zatancoval si.