The Bards (English)
My aged friend, Miss Wilkinson,
Whose mother was a Lambe,
Saw Wordsworth once, and Coleridge too,
One morning in her pram.
Birdlike the bards stooped over her
Like fledgling in a nest;
And Wordsworth said, 'Thou harmless babe!'
And Coleridge was impressed.
The pretty thing gazed up and smiled,
And softly murmured 'Coo!'
William was then aged sixty-four
And Samuel sixty-two. Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | |
A szemtanú (Hungarian)
Agg szomszédnőm, Miss Wilkinson
(anyai ágon Lambe),
látta Wordsworthöt, Coleridge-ot
egy régi reggelen.
A két bárd mint két gém hajolt
a babakocsira;
és Wordsworth arcán izgalom,
és Coleridge szól: „Baba."
A csöppség fölnéz, fölragyog,
és halkan dongja: „Prütty !"
William hatvanhárom volt,
Samuel hatvanegy.
Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | G. Á. |