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Glenday, John: Mamine obľúbené kvety (My Mother’s Favourite Flower in Slovak)

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Portre of Répás Norbert

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My Mother’s Favourite Flower (English)

This world is nothing much – it’s mostly
threadworn, tawdry stuff, of next to little use.
If only it could bring itself to give us back
a portion of the things we would have fallen
for, but always too busy living, overlooked
and missed. So many small things missed.
So many brief, important things.
It is my intention never to write about this.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Mamine obľúbené kvety (Slovak)

Tento svet ani za babku nestojí - zväčša je to
ošumelá, cifrovaná haraburda, takmer nepoužiteľná.

Kiež by nám mohol vrátiť aspoň časť vecí,
ktoré s nami stať mohli sa,

ale žijúc vo večnej zaujatosti prehliadli a
opomenuli sme ich. Zmeškali sme toľko drobností.

Toľko drobných, dôležitých vecí.
Nikdy nebude mojim zámerom písať o tom.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotationtranslator
