Landscape with flying man (English)
I ready about him that was given wings.
His father fixed those things to carry him away.
They carried him halfway home, and then he fell.
And he fell not because he flew
but because he loved it so. You see
it’s neither pride, nor gravity but love
that pulls us back down to the world.
Love furnishes the wings, and that same love
will watch over us as we drown.
The soul makes a thousand crossings, the heart, just one. Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | |
Krajinka s lietajúcim mužom (Slovak)
Čítal som o ňom, ktorému krídla dali. Otec mu ich prilepil, aby ho odniesli.
Pol cesty ho domov sprevádzal, potom sa zrútil. Avšak nie preto, lebo letel,
ale preto, lebo ho natoľko miloval. Vidíte, nie je to pýcha ani gravitácia ale láska,
ktorá nás napokon späť dole do sveta ťahá. Láska krídla daruje, a tá istá láska
nás pozoruje, keď sa utápame. Duša sa vzopre tisíckrát, srdce len raz.[1]
[1] Painting: "Rooster Man Above Vitebsk" (1925) by Marc Chagall. Musee du Luxembourg, Paris. (sorce: