The page of Kiss Zsuzsa, Translations from English
A holtak (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooke, Rupert :: The dead (English)A katona (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooke, Rupert :: The Soldier (English)
A két holló (Hungarian) ⇐ English and Scottish Folk Ballads :: The Twa Corbies (The Two Crows) (English)
A Malone özvegye (Hungarian) ⇐ Lever, Charles James :: The Widow Malone (English)
A nyár hiedelmei I (Hungarian) ⇐ Stevens, Wallace :: Credences of summer I (English)
A Poonai kórházból (Hungarian) ⇐ Lewis, Alun :: In hospital: Poona (English)
A rögeszménk (Hungarian) ⇐ Auden, W. H. :: Our Bias (English)
A shandoni harangok (Hungarian) ⇐ Mahony, Francis Sylvester :: The Bells of Shandon (English)
A szegények gyermekei (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: The Children of the Poor (English)
A zebrák (Hungarian) ⇐ Campbell, Roy :: The Zebras (English)
Apollót zengd, napistened (Hungarian) ⇐ Lyly, John :: Hymn to Apollo (English)
Apologia pro Poemate Meo (Hungarian) ⇐ Owen, Wilfred :: Apologia pro Poemate Meo (English)
Arc rózsáit kedveled? (Hungarian) ⇐ Carew, Thomas :: He That Loves A Rosy Cheek (English)
Arcképére (Hungarian) ⇐ Randolph, Thomas :: Upon His Picture (English)
Astrophel és Stella 81 (Hungarian) ⇐ Sidney, Philip :: Astrophel and Stella 81 (English)
Az emberélet lángja oly buja (Hungarian) ⇐ Greville, Sir Fulke :: When as Man’s life, the light of human lust (English)
Beverly Hills, Chicago (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: Beverly Hills, Chicago (English)
Big Bessie kiteszi a fiát az utcára (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: Big Bessie throws her son into the street (English)
Bryant Park, New York (Hungarian) ⇐ Heath-Stubbs, John :: Bryant Park, New York (English)
Colin szerelmi vértanúsága (Hungarian) ⇐ Peele, George :: Colin, the enamoured shepherd, singeth his passion of love (English)
Dal (Hungarian) ⇐ Suckling, Sir John :: Song: Out upon it, I have lov’d (English)
Dal a virágoskertben (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: A song in the front yard (English)
Dinas Vawr harci indulója (Hungarian) ⇐ Peacock, Thomas Love :: The War Song of Dinas Vawr (English)
Édes, ha gondtalan, a gondolat (Hungarian) ⇐ Greene, Robert :: Maesia's Song (English)
Egyik gyermeke születése előtt (Hungarian) ⇐ Bradstreet, Anne :: Before the Birth of One of Her Children (English)
El, balga örömök (Hungarian) ⇐ Fletcher, John :: Hence, all you vain delights (English)
El, fellegek... (Hungarian) ⇐ Heywood, Thomas :: Pack, Clouds, Away (English)
Elégia IX Őszies (Hungarian) ⇐ Donne, John :: Elegy IX The autumnal (English)
Előbb veszt csillagfényt a menny (Hungarian) ⇐ Lodge, Thomas :: First shall the heavens want starry light (English)
Ember, elméd oly hívságnak ne add (Hungarian) ⇐ Greville, Sir Fulke :: Man, dreame no more of curious mysteries (English)
Epikureus óda (Hungarian) ⇐ Hall, John :: An Epicurean Ode (English)
Érzéketlenség (Hungarian) ⇐ Owen, Wilfred :: Insensibility (English)
Esztelen szerelem (Hungarian) ⇐ Greene, Robert :: Foolish Love (English)
Hármas piciségek egy hölgyhöz, egy tálka édesség mellé (Hungarian) ⇐ Herrick, Robert :: A Ternary Of Littles, Upon A Pipkin Of Jelly Sent To A Lady (English)
Házirend (Hungarian) ⇐ Carroll, Lewis :: Rules And Regulations (English)
Héró és Leander, első szesztina (részlet) (Hungarian) ⇐ Marlowe, Christopher :: Hero and Leander, first sestiad (detail) (English)
Hol az Erne kanyarog (részlet) (Hungarian) ⇐ Allingham, William :: The Winding Banks of Erne (detail) (English)
Hudibras (részlet) (Hungarian) ⇐ Butler, Samuel :: Hudibras (detail) (English)
Ír szerzetes zsoltár átiraton dolgozik (részlet) (Hungarian) ⇐ Duhig, Ian :: Margin Prayer from an Ancient Psalter (detail) (English)
Itt a bomló kikelet (Hungarian) ⇐ Fletcher, John :: Now the Lusty Spring (English)
Jakobita sírfelirata (Hungarian) ⇐ Macaulay, Thomas Babington :: A Jacobite’s Epitaph (English)
Kakaskukorékolás (Hungarian) ⇐ Vaughan, Henry :: Cock-Crowing (English)
Keserves kór a szerelem (Hungarian) ⇐ Daniel, Samuel :: Love is a Sickness (English)
Kincsem, Eileen (Hungarian) ⇐ Griffin, Gerald :: Eileen Aroon (English)
Kitéve (Hungarian) ⇐ Owen, Wilfred :: Exposure (English)
Larry M'Hale (Hungarian) ⇐ Lever, Charles James :: Larry M'Hale (English)
Leicester earljének sírfelirata (Hungarian) ⇐ Raleigh, Sir Walter :: Epitaph on the Earl of Leicester (English)
Lord Lundy (Hungarian) ⇐ Belloc, Hilaire :: Lord Lundy (English)
Magasabb panteizmus dióhéjban (Hungarian) ⇐ Swinburne, Charles Algernon :: The Higher Pantheism in a Nutshell (English)
Mélabú (Hungarian) ⇐ Lodge, Thomas :: Melancholy (English)
Mentorok (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: Mentors (English)
Óda önmagához (Hungarian) ⇐ Jonson, Ben :: An Ode to Himself (English)
Rege a pallosról (részlet) (Hungarian) ⇐ Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan :: Legend of the Glaive (detail) (English)
Sóhajtozás Knockmanyért (Hungarian) ⇐ Carleton, William :: A Sigh for Knockmany (English)
Strafford earljének sírfelirata (Hungarian) ⇐ Cleveland, John :: Epitaph on the Earl of Strafford (English)
Szeretet (Hungarian) ⇐ Herbert, George :: Love (English)
Thüesztész (Hungarian) ⇐ Davie, Donald :: Thyestes (English)
Töredelem (Hungarian) ⇐ Herbert, George :: Discipline (English)
Utca Bronzeville-ben (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: A street in Bronzeville, southeast corner (English)
Vajon ma hány sekélyes, cifra báb... (Hungarian) ⇐ Drayton, Michael :: How Many Paltry Things… (English)
Zongoraszó háború után (Hungarian) ⇐ Brooks, Gwendolyn :: Piano after war (English)
(Editor of this page: P. T.)