Parti Nagy Lajos: (navigare necessaire est) ((navigare neszesszer est) Angol nyelven)
(navigare neszesszer est) (Magyar)
Ha képeslapot kap a lélek, |
(navigare necessaire est) (Angol)
When a postcard is sent to a soul
it will be pinned in an eye-catching spot, the cabinet-door, swinging the sea softly like beautiful hair. People keep the surging waves inside too, staying mirror-smooth on the surface, so their blue short-sleeved shirt doesn’t betray their pumping heartmuscle. But whereas human shirts are short the heart is very long, and can hardly bear it if the circumstances of life get a bit passive. Which is not to say that to be worse off mightn’t be good – but the standard of living is attaining depth, and that’s no cakewalk. The entitlements of thought are no bad thing, and as a reconnaissance exercise the soul sets off to explore all tourist resorts from Hawaii to Balaton. The mind can see much further than the perfidious eye if you fasten it like a periscope to the tripod of fantasy. Wish you were here and there you are, Rimini and Gizèh and you take a luxury cruise just by walking to the cabinet, where the block of flats with its many first class cabins transports the happy holiday-makers along the postcard waves. For deep inside everyone a great ocean-liner is anchored and the most difficult thing is when in summer about this time the mirror of the soul honks over the bronze-red twilight and opens a slightly wider view on our lives. But they don’t even look around, when the light, together with sweet fancy, drains away through the sluice gates of evening, and when they touch bottom on the dark silt of reality they lock themselves back in their own selves in vain. And what can you lean towards from your balcony railing, so you just pack up your sea and tie it and the rest with elastic, life really is a big rubber band jamming us close and checking the seep of grey juice, navigare necessaire est. |