Masters, Edgar Lee: A Spoon River-i holtak - Richard Bone (Spoon River Anthology - Richard Bone Magyar nyelven)
Spoon River Anthology - Richard Bone (Angol)When I first came to Spoon River I did not know whether what they told me Was true or false. They would bring me the epitaph And stand around the shop while I worked And say "He was so kind," "He was so wonderful," "She was the sweetest woman," "He was a consistent Christian." And I chiseled for them whatever they wished, All in ignorance of the truth. But later, as I lived among the people here, I knew how near to the life Were the epitaphs that were ordered for them as they died. But still I chiseled whatever they paid me to chisel And made myself party to the false chronicles Of the stones, Even as the historian does who writes Without knowing the truth, Or because he is influenced to hide it.
A Spoon River-i holtak - Richard Bone (Magyar)Mikor idekerültem Spoon Riverbe, nem tudtam, hogy amit mondanak igaz-e vagy hamis. Csak elhozták a sírfeliratot, aztán ott ácsorogtak a műhelyben, amíg dolgoztam, mondták: „a legjobb férj", „szerető atya", „felejthetetlen feleség", „igaz keresztyén". Én meg azt véstem, amit kívántak, a valóságról nem volt tudomásom. Később, ahogy lassanként ideszoktam, láttam, mily híven fedi a megboldogultak életét a megrendelt szöveg. Azért csak véstem én mindenfélét, amiért fizettek, cinkosa lettem a kövek ál-krónikáinak, úgy, mint a történész, aki ír, ír, csak nem tudja az igazságot, vagy muszáj neki ködösíteni.