Hogyan vártalak? (Hungarian)
Azt kérdezed tőlem, hogyan vártalak?
Mint az éjszakára fölvirrad a nap, mint a délutánra jő az alkonyat, mint ha szellő jelzi a förgeteget – ezer pici jelből tudtam jöttödet.
Mint tavaszi reggel a nap sugarát, fagyos téli este jégcsap csillagát, mint az alma ízét, tejet, kenyeret – pedig nem is láttalak még, úgy ismertelek.
Mint a fény az árnyat, záport a virág, mint patak a medrét, madarat az ág, mint sóhajos nyári éjjel a fák az eget – mindenkinél jobban téged így szerettelek. Uploaded by | Fehér Illés |
Source of the quotation | http://www.hotdog.hu |
How did I await you? (English)
How did I await you?
You want me to say?
Sure, as when nights do end,
that sunrise will be soon,
and that the dusk's descent
will seal the afternoon,
as when the breezes warn
that a storm is near -
from a thousand signs, I
knew you'd soon be here.
As on spring-time mornings
one knows the sun will rise,
as on frosty evenings
gloss forms on the ice,
as an apple's flavour,
bread, milk... you can tell -
though I had not seen you,
yet I knew you well.
As does light the shade and
do blossoms the rain,
as creeks do their courses,
branch yields birds terrain,
and trees on sigh-filled summer nights
know the skies above -
so I loved you, more than the rest:
this describes my love.
Uploaded by | Fehér Illés |
Source of the quotation | Leslie A. Kery |