(Talán eltünök hirtelen...) (Hungarian)
Talán eltünök hirtelen, akár az erdőben a vadnyom. Elpazaroltam mindenem, amiről számot kéne adnom. Már bimbós gyermek-testemet szem-maró füstön száritottam. Bánat szedi szét eszemet, ha megtudom, mire jutottam. Korán vájta belém fogát a vágy, mely idegenbe tévedt. Most rezge megbánás fog át: várhattam volna még tiz évet. Dacból se fogtam föl soha értelmét az anyai szónak. Majd árva lettem, mostoha s kiröhögtem az oktatómat. Ifjuságom, e zöld vadont szabadnak hittem és öröknek és most könnyezve hallgatom, a száraz ágak hogy zörögnek. 1937. nov. Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | http://www.mek.oszk.hu |
(Perhaps I’ll suddenly vanish…) (English)
Perhaps I’ll suddenly vanish,
like traces of game in the woods.
I’ve wasted all that I cherish:
I cannot account for my goods.
My child-body’s quickening buds
with eye-stinging smoke I had dried.
Regret now tears my mind to shreds
when I realise where I arrived.
Desire gnawed me far too soon
As it to foreign parts had strayed.
Repentant now, I think what boon
ten years of waiting could have made.
From spite I thought as only game
My mother’s words and their meaning.
An orphan, step-child, I became,
greeting her guidance with sneering.
My youth, that greening wilderness,
I thought was eternal and free,
sadly I hear with tearfulness,
the rustling dry twigs in the tree.
Uploaded by | P. T. |
Source of the quotation | L. A. K. |