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Auden, W. H.: Ach čo je ten hlas (O What Is That Sound in Slovak)

Portre of Auden, W. H.

O What Is That Sound (English)

O what is that sound which so thrills the ear
Down in the valley drumming, drumming?
Only the scarlet soldiers, dear,
The soldiers coming.

O what is that light I see flashing so clear
Over the distance brightly, brightly?
Only the sun on their weapons, dear,
As they step lightly.

O what are they doing with all that gear,
What are they doing this morning, this morning?
Only their usual manoeuvres, dear,
Or perhaps a warning.

O why have they left the road down there,
Why are they suddenly wheeling, wheeling?
Perhaps a change in their orders, dear.
Why are they kneeling?

O haven't they stopped for the doctor's care,
Haven't they reined their horses, their horses?
Why, they are none of them wounded, dear,
None of the forces.

O is it the parson they want, with white hair,
Is it the parson, is it, is it?
No, they are passing his gateway, dear,
Without a visit.

O it must be the farmer who lives so near.
It must be the farmer so cunning, so cunning?
They have passed the farmyard already, dear,
And now they are running.

O where are you going? Stay with me here!
Were the vows you swore deceiving, deceiving?
No, I promised to love you, dear,
But I must be leaving.

O it's broken the lock and splintered the door,
O it's the gate where they're turning, turning;
Their boots are heavy on the floor
And their eyes are burning.

Uploaded byP. T.
Source of the quotation

Ach čo je ten hlas (Slovak)

Ach čo je ten hlas, ktorý do uší trilkuje
bubnovanie, bubnovanie znie dole v údolí?
Drahá, len šarlátová armáda mašíruje,
vojsko sa tmolí.

Ach čo je to svetlo ktoré sa tam jasne ligoce
živo, živo tam odtiaľ ďaleko?
Drahá, záblesky na zbraniach vytvára len slnce,
kráčajúc ľahučko a vrtko.

Ach čo všetko s tou výbavou chystajú,
Dnes ráno, dnes ráno čo robia?
Drahá, iba svoje obvyklé manévre spriadajú,
alebo snáď varovania.

Ach prečo opustili cestu tam dole
razom, razom smer prečo menia?
Drahá, možno že nastala zmena v úlohe.
Prečo im stŕpli nohy od kľačania?

Ach zastavili sa snáď na lekárske ošetrenie,
ich kone, ich kone nepotrhali uzdu?
Drahá, nikto nemá zranenie
ani jeden jediný z pluku.

Ach je to farár s belavými vlasmi
je to on, je to on, koho hľadajú?
Drahá, okolo neho už prešli,
bez opáčky diaľ pochodujú.

Ach to ten roľník, ktorý tak blízko žije.
Roľník, roľník ten ľstivý?
Drahá, útvar už minul pole,
a teraz beží jak divý.

Ach kam ideš? Zostaň tu so mnou!
Podvod, podvod, kde je prísaha a zasľúbenie?
Drahá, ja som ti nádej daroval láskou,
Ale teraz už musím odtade.

Ach zámok zlomený a dvere roztrieštené
útvar, útvar vkročí cez bránu otvorenú;
Ich topánky na podlahe sú ťažké
a ich oči planú.

Uploaded byRépás Norbert
Source of the quotationtranslator

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