Coleridge, Samuel Taylor oldala, Angol Művek
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part I (Magyar)The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part II (Magyar)
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part III (Magyar)
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part IV (Magyar)
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part V (Magyar)
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part VI (Magyar)
The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner / Part VII (Magyar)
About the Nightingale (Magyar)
Answer To A Child's Question (Magyar)
Christabel (Magyar)
Cologne (Német)
Dejection: An Ode (Magyar)
Epigram (Magyar)
Frost at Midnight (Magyar, Szerb)
Genevieve (Magyar)
Job's Luck (Német)
Kubla Khan (Német, Magyar, Szerb)
Limbo (Magyar)
Love (Magyar)
On My Joyful Departure from the Same City (Német)
Something Childish, but Very Natural (Magyar)
Sonnet: To The River Otter (Magyar)
The Destiny of Nations (detail) (Magyar)
The Eolian Harp (Magyar)
The Knight's Tomb (Német)
The Nightingale (Magyar)
The Pains of Sleep (Magyar)
The Raven (Magyar)
The Three Graves (detail) (Magyar)
What If You Slept (Magyar)
Work Without Hope (Német, Magyar)
Written During a Temporary Blindness in the Year 1799 (Magyar)
Youth and Age (Magyar)