Bukowski, Charles oldala, Angol Művek
16 Jap machine gun bullets (Magyar)40.000 flies (Spanyol, Magyar)
A literary romance (Magyar)
And The Moon And The Stars And The World (Magyar)
Another bed (Magyar)
Are You Drinking? (Magyar)
Barfly (Magyar)
Beer (Magyar)
Bluebird (Magyar)
Cause And Effect (Magyar)
Cows in Art Class (Magyar)
defining the magic (Magyar)
Friendly advice to a lot of young men (Magyar)
Goodbye (Magyar)
how to be a good writer (Magyar)
Huh? (Magyar)
I Meet The Famous Poet (Spanyol, Magyar)
I saw an old-fashioned whore today (Magyar)
Me (Magyar)
My Father (Magyar)
My madness (Magyar)
no return address (Magyar, Olasz)
Oh Yes (Magyar)
old? (Magyar, Olasz)
Paris (Magyar)
Poem For My 43rd Birthday (Magyar)
reunion (Magyar, Olasz)
self-invited (Olasz)
so you want to be a writer? (Magyar)
sometimes it’s easier to kill somebody else (Magyar)
Style (Magyar)
The Genius of the Crowd (Magyar)
The German Hotel (Magyar)
The Laughing Heart (Francia, Magyar)
the mail (Olasz)
This Dirty, Valiant Game (Magyar)
this kind of fire (Magyar)
This Then (Magyar)
To The Whore Who Took My Poems (Magyar)
True (Magyar)
Twelve flying monkeys who won't copulate properly (Magyar)
wait, it will find us (Olasz)
Who In The Hell Is Tom Jones? (Magyar)
Writing (Magyar)
yes sirree! (Olasz)
you (Magyar)
(Az oldal szerkesztője: P. T.)