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Thomas, Dylan oldala, Angol Művek

Thomas, Dylan portréja
Thomas, Dylan
(Dylan Marlais Thomas)


A Grief Ago (Magyar)
A Process In The Weather Of The Heart (Szlovák)
A Process In The Weather Of The Heart (Magyar)
A Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London (Magyar)
A saint about to fall (Magyar)
After the Funeral [video] (Magyar)
Among Those Killed in the Dawn Raid Was a Man Aged a Hundred [video] (Magyar)
And death shall have no dominion [video] (Görög, Spanyol, Magyar)
Author's Prologue to Poems (Magyar)
Because the pleasure-bird whistles after (Magyar)
Before I Knocked [video] (Magyar)
Ceremony After A Fire Raid [video] (Magyar)
Children of Darkness (Magyar)
Clown in the Moon [video] (Magyar)
Do not go gentle into that good night (Magyar)
Ears in the Turrets Hear (Magyar)
Elegy [video] (Magyar)
Especially when the October Wind (Magyar)
Fern Hill [video] (Magyar)
Foster the Light (Magyar)
Hold Hard, These Ancient Minutes In the Cuckoo's Month (Magyar)
How soon the servant sun (Magyar)
I Make This In A Warring Absence (Magyar)
I, In My Intricate Image (Magyar)
If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love [video] (Spanyol, Magyar)
In Country Heaven (Magyar)
In My Craft or Sullen Art [video] (Magyar)
In the beginning (Magyar)
In the White Giant's Thigh [video] (Magyar)
Lament (Magyar)
Last Night I Dived my beggar arm (Magyar)
Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed (Magyar)
Lift up your face (Magyar)
Light breaks where no sun shines [video] (Magyar)
Light, I know, treads the ten million stars (Magyar)
Limerick (Ich Dien) (Magyar)
Love In the Asylum [video] (Magyar)
Nearly summer, and the devil (Magyar)
No man believes (Magyar)
Not forever shall the Lord of the red hail (Magyar)
O Make Me A Mask (Magyar)
On No Work of Words (Magyar)
On The Marriage Of A Virgin (Magyar)
Once it was in the Colour of Saying (Magyar)
Our Eunuch Dreams (Spanyol, Magyar)
Over Sir John's Hill [video] (Magyar)
Poem In October (Magyar)
Poem on his Birthday [video] (Magyar)
Poet: 1935 (Magyar)
Rain Cuts the Place we Tread (Magyar)
Shall gods be said to thump the clouds (Magyar)
Should Lanterns Shine (Magyar, Olasz)
Song (Magyar)
That Sanity be Kept (Magyar)
The force that through the green fuse drives the flower (Magyar)
The hand that signed the paper (Magyar)
The Hunchback in the Park [video] (Magyar)
The Spire Cranes (Magyar)
The Sun Burns the Morning (Magyar)
The Tombstone Told When She Died (Magyar)
The True Story (Magyar)
Then Was My Neophyte (Magyar)
There Was a Saviour (Magyar)
This Bread I Break (Magyar)
This Side Of The Truth (Magyar)
To be encompassed by the brilliant earth (Magyar)
To Others Than You (Magyar)
Twenty-Four Years (Magyar)
Was there a time (Magyar)
We Lying By Seasand (Magyar)
We Who Are Young Are Old [video] (Magyar)
When all my five and country senses (Magyar)
When I woke (Magyar)
Where Once the Waters of your Face (Magyar)
Your Pain shall be a Music (Magyar)

(Az oldal szerkesztője: P. T.)

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