The page of Tasevski - Eternijan, Jovica, Macedonian bibliography
"Исход" (Outcome; poetry collection), 2012.
"Syntax of the Light" (selected poems translated into English), 2011.
"Синтаксис на светлината" (Syntax of the Light; selected poems translated into Bulgarian), 2010.
"Синтакса на светлината" (Syntax of the Light; selected poems, volume 91 in capital project "Macedonian literature"), 2008.
"Посоки и огледи" (Directions and Reflections; literary criticism, essays and studies), 2006.
"Небесни стражи" (Heavenly Guards; poetry collection), 2004.
"Клатно" (Pendulum; poetry collection), 2001.
"Постојното, плимата" (The Constant, the Tide; literary criticism, essays and studies), 2000.
"Веда" (Lightning; poetry collection), 1998.
"Визии. Глагол" (Visions. Verb; poetry collection), 1997.
"Нешто се слуша" (Something Can Be Heard; poetry collection), 1995.
(Editor of this page: P. T.)